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Our Vision & Values

Life in all its fullness (John 10:10)

At St Edward’s we believe the purpose of education is to enable and nurture every child to thrive and become the person they are capable of being, experiencing a full life in mind, body, heart and spirit.


The values that we live out daily in our school are: Friendship, Thankfulness, Truthfulness, Trust, Forgiveness, Respect, Reverence and Responsibility.


Pupil Premium

Our strategy for school’s use of Pupil Premium for current academic year and the details of the spend and effect of the funding for last year can be found below.

Pupil Premium Review (2023-24) and Pupil Premium Spend (2022-25)

Catch Up Premium

Our strategy for school’s use of the Catch Up Premium and the details of the spend and effect of the funding can be found below.

Catch Up Premium Spend

PE & Sport Premium

Information about how the school uses the funding it receives as a result of the PE & Sport Premium Grant can be found below.

School Sports Premium Spend & Evaluation

Ofsted Inspection

Our most recent school inspection took place in May 2019. This report can be found below.

School Ofsted Inspection- May 2019

To find more information about our school on the Ofsted website, please click here.

Parents are encouraged to share their views with Ofsted by using their ‘Parent View’ service, which can be found here.

SIAMS Inspection

As a Church of England school, in addition to monitoring by Ofsted, we are also inspected under a system called the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS).

The SIAMS inspection takes place usually on a five yearly cycle. This is a national system which is organised, for our school, through the Diocese of Chelmsford, commissioned by the Department for Education. The SIAMS inspection is part of our ongoing process of school development and improvement.

Our most recent SIAMS Inspection was in October 2019 where the school was given the highest grading of 'Excellent'. This grading, only given to a small proportion of schools, is awarded to those schools who show ‘innovative, creative and exemplary practice’. A full version of our report can be found below. 

School SIAMS Inspection- October 2019

Inclusion Quality Mark- Centre of Excellence Status

In September 2022, the school was assessed by the Inclusion Quality Mark as having 'Centre of Excellence' Status.

The following was said about the school:

The full report can be viewed here.

Our most recent review, in October 2024, can be seen here

Challenge Partners Review

As part of our ongoing Quality Assurance work, to ensure we are the best school we can be, we take part in annual Challenge Partners Quality assurance reviews.

In March 2023, our review graded us as a 'Leading' School in all areas (Leadership at all levels; Quality of provision and outcomes; Leading Quality of provision and outcomes for disadvantaged pupils and pupils with additional needs; Overall effectiveness). 

Some highlights of the report included:

  • Leaders support the culture by their approach to driving constant improvement. They use expertise to create a vision, frequently analyse information and routinely check impact with parents, pupils and staff;
  • The 25 ‘St Edward’s Experiences’ is a wider curriculum that is mapped to enrich the academic and personal development curriculum. It also aims to develop awe and wonder;
  • The school is very happy and welcoming;
  • The curriculum offer is broad and balanced across all subjects. Each subject curriculum progresses from Early Years to Year 6, taking account of Year 7, as a clear journey, relevant to a spiritual, moral, cultural and social understanding of life;
  • The positive impact of leaders’ decision to use experts to lead and teach art, French, music and PE is evident in pupils’ outcomes. For example, visiting reviewers judged the quality of pupil work in art as outstanding compared to what they have seen previously in their long careers;
  • Leaders prioritise training and support for all staff so that they provide high-quality teaching;
  • Teachers give pupils positive attitudes towards challenge by routinely including an exciting group challenge activity in lessons;

The full report can be seen here.

Termly Newsletter

Our Termly Newsletters are a celebration of all that is going on in school. Our most recent one can be found here.  

School Performance

School performance information for 2023-2024 can be found below:

Early Years Foundation Stage

2023-2024 Cohort School National
% of pupils achieving a Good Level of Development 90* 72% 68%

 * Cohort has 10 children (11.1%) with EHCP's. 

Phonics Screening Check

2023-2024 Cohort School National
% of pupils passing in Year 1                                         88 85% ~ 80%
% of pupils passing by end of Year 2 90 96% ~ 91%

 Multiplication Check

2023-2024 Cohort School National
Average Score (out of 25)                                            61 21.7 ~ 20.7

Key Stage 2 

Data for 2024 (using NCER comparisons): 

To find more information about the schools performance in end of Key Stage results, please click here.

Financial Transparency

No members of staff in the school earn £100,000 or more. 

More information about our school financial income and expenditure can be found on the Schools Financial Benchmarking service here.

Other statutory information

Further statutory information, which can be found elsewhere on our website, is as follows:

Our Admissions Information

Information about our Curriculum

Contact Details including key personnel

Statutory School Policies & Equality Objectives

Information about supporting children with Special Educational Needs

Governor Information

ICO Model Publication Scheme

Music Development Plan Summary