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Weekly News


Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you’ve had a wonderful week. It has certainly been a joyful and exciting one, both inside and outside of school. It’s been fantastic to see the children so engaged in their learning. As I’ve walked around the school, I’ve enjoyed hearing the sounds of new instruments being played, the discovery of new books, and witnessing fascinating science experiments. It’s also been great to see our swimming lessons back in full swing! If you haven’t already, do take a look at our Facebook page, where we’ve shared some of the many fantastic activities that have taken place this week.

Outside the classroom, our Year 6 children had an amazing time at their residential trip. It was a brilliant opportunity for them to build stronger friendships and participate in exciting, new activities that helped them step outside their comfort zones. A HUGE ‘thank you!’ goes to all the staff who gave their time to ensure the children had a safe and happy week away.

Here are a few important updates for the coming weeks:

As part of our school uniform policy, children should not wear earrings to school. This is for health and safety reasons. If there’s an exceptional reason you’d like your child to continue wearing them, please contact the school office to discuss it.

Extra-Curricular Clubs
We’re thrilled with the fantastic response to our extra-curricular clubs, with hundreds of bookings made this week! While several clubs are now full, there are still some available. If you’d like to sign your child up, please visit ParentPay or contact the school office.

Swimming Donations
A huge thank you to all parents who have made donations towards our swimming lessons this term. If you’d still like to contribute, you can do so via this link: ParentPay School Donations by selecting ‘School Donation’.

Thank you for your continued support and encouragement – it truly makes a difference! Wishing you a fantastic weekend ahead.

Kind regards,
Chris Speller
Head Teacher