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Weekly Newsletter


Dear Parents/Carers,


Here we are at the end of our first full week back! It has been such a joy to welcome our Nursery and Reception children into school too, seeing them settle so beautifully into the new patterns of school life. Thank you for your support as we get your children settled.


On Monday, Miss McPherson led our school Collective Worship on the theme of 'Responsibility'. We looked at how our children can demonstrate responsibility in our home and school lives and how showing responsibility brings fullness of life to ourselves and others. Following this, we had our school elections, complete with a school polling booth! This gave our children the opportunity to understand and experience the important British Value of 'Democracy'. Our school pupil voice groups, including the school council, worship committee, and eco-committee, are fantastic ways to involve our children in the running of our school, and we look forward to these beginning shortly.


Our extra-curricular club offer is coming together beautifully, and we look forward to sharing the timetable of school-led clubs with you next week.


Please see key items of news and notices below:


Parent Information Meeting

Our start-of-year Parent Information meeting is available for you to watch here. This video is full of useful content, outlining many practical elements of the year ahead. Please do take a look, and if you have any questions, please let us know.


Year 6 Residential

Next week, a number of our Year 6 children will be on their residential visit to Carroty Wood in Tonbridge Wells for the week. Please keep the children in your thoughts and prayers as they go away and have this fantastic experience.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, a member of the leadership team, or your child’s class teacher. Thank you for your ongoing encouragement and support. Have a fantastic weekend, and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.


Kind regards,
Chris Speller
Head Teacher