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Weekly Newsletter


I hope you are all well and have had a positive week. It has been another fantastic week of learning in school. Walking around today, I was delighted to see incredible art being created, creative writing taking shape, and children fully engaged in their learning.

Following our Outstanding in all areas Ofsted judgement, we have welcomed several visiting schools keen to learn from our best practices. I cannot express how proud I feel when walking around with visitors, who consistently comment on our wonderful children and the high quality of learning taking place. It truly warms the heart on a cold, wet January day!

With just two weeks remaining before half-term, there is still plenty to accomplish. Please see some important updates below.

Help Needed!

We are looking for volunteers to help manage and organise our Community Cupboard on the top path. This space provides families with access to uniform, clothes, food, and toys when needed, and we know how much it is valued. If you can spare even a little time in the mornings, please speak to or email Mrs. Power in the school office.

Children’s Mental Health Week (3rd-7th February)

Next week, we will be celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week with Collective Worship and in-class activities focused on wellbeing. Key dates include:

📌 Monday 3rd February – Mental Wellbeing Assembly for children.
📌 Tuesday 4th February – The Mind of the Parent workshop at The Hub, Ardleigh Green Family Centre (9:30-10:30am). More details here.
📌 Wednesday 5th February – Emotion Coaching parent workshop, led by an Educational Psychologist (2:00pm in the main hall).
📌 Friday 7th February – Mind Masters workshop for Y1-Y6 children.
📌 Friday 7th February – Dress to Express non-uniform day, where children are encouraged to wear clothing that expresses their personality.

Our Facebook page is full of wonderful highlights from school life, so please do take a look!

Wishing you all a great weekend. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.