Weekly Update
Friday, 19th June 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope this email finds you well in what has certainly been a warm week in school! Our children have been incredible, with our new half term of learning continuing at great pace. Our Year 1 children, and some Year 2 children, undertook their phonics screening tests this week and we are really delighted with how well they did and the impact of our phonics teaching in school, and your work and support, as parents, at home. Year 6 have also had their Bikeability training this week, a visit to the library and rehearsals for their performance of Matilda later this term are continuing. On Monday, Year 6 attended Chelmsford Cathedral for the Diocese Leavers’ Service and they were described as 'beautifully behaved' by the Director of Education for the Diocese. We are really proud of our children and how well they behave inside and outside of school.
Tuesday was also one of my yearly highlights as we welcomed into school the parents of children who will be new to our Nursery and Reception in September. We are pleased that our Reception is full and our Nursery has more children joining than ever before. Information will be sent shortly to those children who are currently in Nursery, who are remaining in Nursery or moving into Reception.
Please see some important news and notices below:
Nursery building works
Our Nursery expansion project begins this Monday. Please be aware, at drop off and pick up times, of the changes to the way that people move around the site and please be patient with us as we implement these new routines.
Looking ahead
We are really excited that we will be relaunching our toddler group from September. This will take place on Tuesday mornings. We are also going to be a launching a weekly 'Community Cafe' on a Wednesday morning, for parents and families of school to come to, to meet some friends, have some cake and get more involved in our school community. More information about both of these will follow shortly.
School Photos
You should now have received an email regarding ordering your child's class photo and also our whole school photo. You can view a copy of the whole school photo, which looks great, in the school office.
Year 6 Matilda!
Performances will take place on Tuesday 11th July at 4pm, Wednesday 12th at 2pm and Thursday 13th July at 6pm. Parents are welcome to order up to two tickets per performance however, if demand outstrips capacity, we may have to limit the number we can issue. An email to parents will be sent on Monday with a google form link to order your tickets.
Matilda Tickets
There are still a small number of tickets available to see Matilda on 5th July for children in year 4 – 6. The cost per ticket (including transport by coach) is £48.50. Tickets may be purchased via Parentpay.
All Age Service – Sunday 9th July
St Edward’s church extends to all our families a very warm invitation to our School Church Sunday. As well as celebrating the Eucharist together, we’ll be singing some ‘top’ hymns and enjoying our annual performance from our school year-end production, ‘Matilda.’ It will be a joy to see another wonderful cast performing in church again and the service will be followed by a tasty BBQ in the beautiful church garden (suggested donations £5/£3). See the attached flier for details. Fr David Simpson
Southend Adventure Island
Please remember that you can purchase vouchers to exchange for wristbands for Adventure Island via the Parentpay shop https://app.parentpay.com/ParentPayShop/Uniform/Default.aspx?shopid=1081
Healthy lunches and allergies
We are proud of being a Healthy School and work hard to encourage all our pupils to adopt healthy lifestyles. To support us, please ensure that items sent into school as part of your child’s packed lunch are healthy and easy to eat. We request that no nuts or items containing nut products are sent into school due to the likelihood of allergies among our other children.
I am away next Wednesday to Friday, on a Church of England School Leaders Conference, so next week’s newsletter will be from Mrs Sajuwa, which I am sure she will look forward to sharing with you. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Kind regards,
Chris Speller
Head Teacher