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Starting Nursery & Reception in September 2024

Starting in Nursery & Reception in September 2024

We are delighted that your child will be joining our school in September 2024. Below, you will find a number of pieces of information which will help prepare you, and your child, for their transition into Reception.


New Starter Paperwork

For children who are new to our school, the following paperwork will need to be completed:

  • Pupil information booklet;
  • Photo consent form;
  • Pupil premium grant application (if your family meet the circumstances listed);
  • School development fund appeal;
  • All about me form (to be brought along to their 'Meet the Teacher' meeting).

We also require parents to provide a copy of their child’s Birth Certificate or Passport and a Utility Bill to confirm their address. This can be brought to the meeting you attend above, for us to copy, or brought to the school office at any other time.

If you have any questions, or need support in completing it, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Individual Meetings

If your child is new to the school, we would love to arrange for you and your child to come into school to have an individual meeting with our Nursery/Reception Team in September. We will send you information regarding your meeting nearer the time.

If you believe your child may need additional support in school, due to them having additional educational needs, we would also encourage you to contact the school office and arrange a meeting with Mrs Marsden, our Inclusion Manager, so we can ensure that we put the correct provision in place for your child when they start with us.

St Edward’s is truly a special place and we are delighted that your child is beginning their primary education with us. You  are in our thoughts and prayers as you prepare for this exciting new stage of their journey and we are delighted to have been entrusted with the privilege and responsibility of working with you to invest in your child.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to meeting with you soon,

Kind regards,

Chris Speller (Head Teacher) 


New Intake Meeting Presentation 

Welcome to Reception Story Book for Children

Preparing for Reception- Home Learning Pack